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KSuse Sender

Free gallery with functions for printing and sending files to visitors

Key features

  • Simple and clear interface

  • Russian \ English \ Portuguese \ German interface languages

  • Ability to use the gallery from any device connected to the same local network

  • Web pages: gallery, latest video, carousel

  • Support for sending to email via mail server or Sendgrid service

  • Send queue (to prevent marking as spam and re-sending in case of errors / lack of Internet)

  • Automatic creation of gallery previews from mp4 files

  • Multiple email templates

Additional features of the PRO version

  • Using multiple email addresses for sending

  • Branding photos

  • Printing photos

  • Download from VK

  • Internet gallery with extended access rights

  • Generation of QR codes for quick access to the Internet gallery

  • Uploading files to Dropbox / Google Drive / Yandex Disk

  • Direct download of files over WiFi without using the internet

Changelog (2024-01-18)
- Превью не создавались из файлов, сгенерированных Kling AI (2024-12-20) Beta
- Downloading from Telegram could be interrupted
+ Displaying Sender ID in the log (2024-12-14) Beta
- The program could not be launched without clearing the settings after setting the sheet size to zero (2024-12-14)
- The program could not be launched without clearing the settings after setting the sheet size to zero (2024-12-07) Beta
- Crash if access to the original photos was lost while generating a photo with a new background
- Photos might not download from Telegram (2024-12-05) Beta
- Incorrect operation of background replacement after its removal using AI
. The original photo is also displayed in photo variants with different backgrounds
- The original photo was sent to the email, not the one with the replaced background
! You can't use background removal and image generation at the same time
! Unfortunately, there is still a bug with mailbox duplication. When saving settings after duplicating mailboxes, the program closes. It is necessary to duplicate the mailboxes, save the settings, restart the program, and only then configure. (2024-11-10) Beta
- Sender and did not start for those who had not used 3.3.2 before (2024-11-09) Beta
+ Returned the option "Pause before reading file (ms)"
+ Added option "Hide photos from web gallery when print limit is reached" (2024-11-03) Beta
- Prompt may not have been sent
- Gif of waiting for the result of AI work was saved when switching to another photo
- Crash if you delete a preset that was active
+ Button to open a folder with photos downloaded from Telegram
+ Button to open a folder with tasks (png) sent to print
+ Support for version 1b
+ Tag support (setting generation parameters)

KSuse Sender (2024-11-03)
. .NET 6 -> .NET 8
- There was a crash during test printing without an active preset
+ Message about no active preset when trying to print
. Download from Instagram removed (2024-08-29) Beta
- The date filter in the email database did not update the email list until the first change to any record
- Crash when trying to correct an email address in a row in the email database (2024-08-19) Beta
- The emails counter was updated only after restarting the program or changing the date filter
+ The number of printouts of photo variants from the second slider can be summed up in the printout limit
- When clicking the "Process in AI" button at one of processing variants, that variant was sent for processing, not the original photo (2024-08-17) Beta
- Some service folders may not have been created
. The email input field has been expanded (2024-08-07) Beta
- The background image in branding was not updated until the program was restarted
- AI processing of regular photos did not work after implementing stickers
+ Fun Photo V2 Support
+ Compression support
- Crash if a broken branding overlay image was generated when saving
! Crash on saving after adding 5th mailbox. The bug has not been fixed yet. It is recommended to save the settings after adding a mailbox, run the program again, and then change any other settings. (2024-06-28) Beta
- A photo could be sent as an attachment instead of a video.
- When you enabled the display of branded photos in the gallery, the video player stopped working (2024-06-23) Beta
- Printing from the web gallery did not work
- After refreshing the web gallery page, photos were displayed in reverse order
- Hiding a photo from the gallery might not work
+ Ability to send sticker packs for Telegram (2024-04-11) Beta
- Automatic printing did not work if branding was selected for printouts only
. The functionality of galleries versions 3 and 4 has been restored (2024-03-05) Beta
- The new active preset might not be selected
- There was a possible crash when sending emails
- The QR code of the file at the gallery might not be displayed in versions 3 and 4 web galleries
. The layout of galleries has been changed
. Sender logs are now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\\KSuseSender3\Logs
. SSL certificate checking is disabled
. Sender cache is now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\\KSuseSender3\Cache
+ Added drop-down lists for selecting dates in the date filter of the email database
+ Ability to hide the print button in the web gallery when the print limit is reached
+ A QR code for upload via Telegram
. The function of removing the background from print branding has been removed
+ Automatic background removal using KSuse Cloud
+ Generate photos using KSuse Cloud
+ Hiding HTML text editor buttons when HTML mode is enabled
. Built-in gallery removed
+ Added operator web gallery
. Files are identified by hash, not by name
. The same file sent under different names will not be automatically printed a second time
- The original photographs were always sent by email, regardless of the chosen print branding
! If print branding is enabled, a branded photo is uploaded to the cloud and sent by email
! After clearing the cache, emails with AI-processed photos cannot be resent
! Internet gallery does not work correctly
! It is strongly recommended not to use cache clearing if the event is not completed
! No backward compatibility with previous versions
! Galleries version 3 and 4 do not work (2023-12-04)
. Sender logs are now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\\KSuseSender\Logs
. SSL certificate checking is disabled


©2018-2025, Konstantin Kuiukov pr Beograd

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