Key features
Simple and clear interface
Russian \ English \ Portuguese \ German interface languages
Ability to use the gallery from any device connected to the same local network
Web pages: gallery, latest video, carousel
Support for sending to email via mail server or Sendgrid service
Send queue (to prevent marking as spam and re-sending in case of errors / lack of Internet)
Automatic creation of gallery previews from mp4 files
Multiple email templates
Additional features of the PRO version
Using multiple email addresses for sending
Branding photos
Printing photos
Download from VK
Internet gallery with extended access rights
Generation of QR codes for quick access to the Internet gallery
Uploading files to Dropbox / Google Drive / Yandex Disk
Direct download of files over WiFi without using the internet
Changelog (2024-01-18)
- Превью не создавались из файлов, сгенерированных Kling AI (2024-12-20) Beta
- Downloading from Telegram could be interrupted
+ Displaying Sender ID in the log (2024-12-14) Beta
- The program could not be launched without clearing the settings after setting the sheet size to zero (2024-12-14)
- The program could not be launched without clearing the settings after setting the sheet size to zero (2024-12-07) Beta
- Crash if access to the original photos was lost while generating a photo with a new background
- Photos might not download from Telegram (2024-12-05) Beta
- Incorrect operation of background replacement after its removal using AI
. The original photo is also displayed in photo variants with different backgrounds
- The original photo was sent to the email, not the one with the replaced background
! You can't use background removal and image generation at the same time
! Unfortunately, there is still a bug with mailbox duplication. When saving settings after duplicating mailboxes, the program closes. It is necessary to duplicate the mailboxes, save the settings, restart the program, and only then configure. (2024-08-29) Beta
- The date filter in the email database did not update the email list until the first change to any record
- Crash when trying to correct an email address in a row in the email database (2024-08-19) Beta
- The emails counter was updated only after restarting the program or changing the date filter
+ The number of printouts of photo variants from the second slider can be summed up in the printout limit
- When clicking the "Process in AI" button at one of processing variants, that variant was sent for processing, not the original photo (2024-08-17) Beta
- Some service folders may not have been created
. The email input field has been expanded (2024-08-07) Beta
- The background image in branding was not updated until the program was restarted
- AI processing of regular photos did not work after implementing stickers
+ Fun Photo V2 Support
+ Compression support
- Crash if a broken branding overlay image was generated when saving
! Crash on saving after adding 5th mailbox. The bug has not been fixed yet. It is recommended to save the settings after adding a mailbox, run the program again, and then change any other settings. (2024-06-28) Beta
- A photo could be sent as an attachment instead of a video.
- When you enabled the display of branded photos in the gallery, the video player stopped working (2024-06-23) Beta
- Printing from the web gallery did not work
- After refreshing the web gallery page, photos were displayed in reverse order
- Hiding a photo from the gallery might not work
+ Ability to send sticker packs for Telegram (2024-04-11) Beta
- Automatic printing did not work if branding was selected for printouts only
. The functionality of galleries versions 3 and 4 has been restored (2024-03-05) Beta
- The new active preset might not be selected
- There was a possible crash when sending emails
- The QR code of the file at the Photowith.me gallery might not be displayed in versions 3 and 4 web galleries
. The layout of galleries has been changed
. Sender logs are now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender3\Logs
. SSL certificate checking is disabled
. Sender cache is now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender3\Cache
+ Added drop-down lists for selecting dates in the date filter of the email database
+ Ability to hide the print button in the web gallery when the print limit is reached
+ A QR code for upload via Telegram
. The function of removing the background from print branding has been removed
+ Automatic background removal using KSuse Cloud
+ Generate photos using KSuse Cloud
+ Hiding HTML text editor buttons when HTML mode is enabled
. Built-in gallery removed
+ Added operator web gallery
. Files are identified by hash, not by name
. The same file sent under different names will not be automatically printed a second time
- The original photographs were always sent by email, regardless of the chosen print branding
! If print branding is enabled, a branded photo is uploaded to the cloud and sent by email
! After clearing the cache, emails with AI-processed photos cannot be resent
! Internet gallery does not work correctly
! It is strongly recommended not to use cache clearing if the event is not completed
! No backward compatibility with previous versions
! Galleries version 3 and 4 do not work (2023-12-04)
. Sender logs are now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender\Logs
. SSL certificate checking is disabled (2023-10-22) Beta
- Missing dll in the installer
- Column headers were not displayed in the Email, SMS, WhatsApp databases
- The web gallery stopped working if quotes were used in the QR code captions (2023-10-22)
- There was a crash if you opened the drop-down list for selecting a folder on Yandex.Disk and closed it without selecting a folder
- The web gallery stopped working if quotes were used in the QR code captions (2023-09-26)
. Upload to Yandex.Disk restored3.2.0.0 (2023-10-02) Beta
. Removed support for local processing in SD
+ Support for KSuse AITool
+ Ability to request for processing using AI in the web gallery (2023-09-26)
. Upload to Yandex.Disk restored (2023-08-22) Beta
- Questionnaire data collected using local links could not be saved
- Crash when exporting profile data
- Caption to WIFi QR code was not displayed in the web gallery (2023-08-04) Beta
+ Added the ability to process photos in Stable Diffusion XL
! SD XL requires nvidia RTX 8GB graphics card
! SD XL requires a 16GB nvidia RTX graphics card to run fast
! To use SD XL, you need to sync the AI module. Weight at the moment - 5.18GB
! It is recommended that you run an AI model check before using SD XL. This procedure will download all the required models. Weight at the moment - 5.81GB
! Models are updated quite often. When starting SD XL, if the Internet is available, it always tries to update models
! The number of words in a promt is limited, you do not need to add recommended keywords to improve the quality, they are already automatically added (2023-07-27) Beta
+ New interface
+ All settings can be exported and imported
+ Adjust the size of QR codes in the gallery
+ Clearing questionnaire data
+ Uploading to photoswith.me
+ Ability to send via Telegram bot
. The Free version allows you to use several hot folders and several mailboxes
! No backward compatibility with previous versions
! Sending to Telegram is possible only for files uploaded to the gallery on photoswith.me (2023-07-15)
+ New authorization window based on Chromium (VK disabled the ability to log in through IE)
+ Support for two-factor authentication in VK and QR code login (2023-07-08)
+ At 00:00, the second date in the time filter in the email database is automatically incremented (2023-05-11)
- When using a horizontal sheet for vertical photos and a vertical sheet for horizontal photos, the proportions of the photo were distorted (bug since version (2023-04-29)
- When sending, instead of SID and Token from the WhatsApp tab, the SID and Token from the SMS tab were used
- WhatsApp send button was not displayed in web galleries (2023-04-21)
- In web galleries versions 3 and 4, when a new photo was added to the gallery while entering an email address, the new photo was sent instead of the selected one (2023-03-27)
- The "Save" button did not save photos from the gallery (2023-03-13)
- There could be a pause during video playback on the "carousel" page (2023-02-21)
- On the pages "last" and "carousel" png files were not displayed
+ .heic support (2023-02-15)
+ Ability to select the starting number of file numbering after resetting the counter (2023-02-14)
- The plate under the captions of the QR code in the web gallery was slightly wider than the QR code
+ Ability to enlarge QR codes in the web gallery (2023-02-13)
. Vertical menu changed to horizontal
+ Text stroke color in text layers
+ Ability to add a serial number of the file to the printout (2023-02-01)
. Minor changes (2023-01-18)
+ Ability to send to WhatsApp via Twilio (2023-01-15)
- The font settings for captions for QR codes in the web gallery were not applied (2023-01-09)
+ Automatic rotation when printing (taking into account the orientation of the paper in the printer) (2023-01-08)
- When changing the active preset with branding to the preset without branding, overlaid graphics could remain until the program was restarted
+ Ability to create different branding for vertical and horizontal photos
! When you rollback to a previous version, the layers in the branding will be mixed (2022-12-28)
. Increased timeout for Google Drive client from 100 to 600 seconds (2022-12-23)
- The web gallery did not display a large photo when the "Rotate photos by Exif" option was enabled (2022-12-10)
- In the "DzenTech" and "Dark" themes, there was an incorrect default background color of the QR code captions
- When sending SMS through the web gallery, it could be lost +
+ In the settings for sending SMS, you can set the default country code, which will be added instead of the first zero in the phone number
+ Phone number can be entered with spaces (2022-12-08)
- "Show video controls (web)" setting was not applied to web gallery
. The "Like" icon in the web gallery is always green
. The "Add email" field is cleared after adding an address
+ In the Web settings, you can choose to display icons or text (2022-12-07)
- Gifs were not displayed or downloaded in local links (2022-12-02)
- Video preview in web gallery was cropped even if no branding was applied (2022-12-01)
- When loading very large photos without branding, the web gallery on weak devices hung
. QR code size in web galleries is no longer set
! The QR code settings on the "last" and "carousel" pages indicate the maximum size of the area in which the QR code fits (2022-11-24)
- If there are several input fields in the web version and active sending only via SMS, the caption for the main field was not displayed
+ Ability to brand the web gallery
+ 2 additional background image layout modes
+ Added gallery version 4
+ Gallery opened via QR code is now displayed without QR codes (much easier to view on mobile devices) (2022-11-21)
- The data of the author of the post on Instagram* might not be read (2022-11-09)
. Restored work with Instagram* (2022-11-06)
- Fixed possible problems with the database with a large flow of emails (2022-10-27)
- In the built-in gallery, the send SMS button was not disabled and the number entry field disappeared if sending to e-mail was disabled (2022-10-23)
- When using links to Dropbox and Google Drive in a QR code with the "Show preview even if the link is not received" option enabled in the web gallery there could be a delay in displaying by one video
+ Added standard window frame (2022-10-14)
- Large photos did not fit in the window size on the "last" and "carousel" pages (2022-10-07)
- Custom web port setting was not applied to local links in QR codes (2022-09-22)
. No more "Error on loading : Wrong MIME" message
. Improved file format detection when replacing the extension by Instagram (2022-08-23)
. The dates associated with the license are displayed in the format dd MMMM yyyy (for example, 08 August 2022)
. Removed option "Pause before reading a file (ms)"
+ Automatic detection of the moment when it is possible to read the file (2022-08-02)
- Crash after upgrading from versions prior to if Sender was used to print from VK and the cache was not cleared before the upgrade
- There was a recurring error in the log when an empty web gallery was open (2022-07-26)
. Printout branding has been moved up a level in the "Presets" tab
+ Displaying the photo location area on the printout (2022-07-21)
- When saving a template with an empty text of the html version of email, it could not be empty, but consist of empty lines
. It is no longer necessary to fill out both versions of the text of the email (2022-07-17)
- Only SMS created on the first day of the date range specified in the SMS database was sent, the entire selected date range was not taken into account (2022-07-10)
- Print statistics were not visible in dark themes
+ Ability to change the font and font size of the QR code captions on the "last" and "carousel" pages (2022-07-07)
. Now html emails are always delivered in html format (2022-07-04)
+ In the web gallery, the QR code is displayed immediately after receiving a link from the cloud service, even if the preview was enabled without waiting for links (2022-06-28)
- A database error could occur when using QR codes of cloud services on web pages (bug since version (2022-06-27)
- In gallery version 1, the print button did not return after printing
- When opening in the web gallery, not all previews were displayed until scrolling through the carousel
- Downloading from VK did not stop immediately after turning off the option
. For photos from Instagram* and VK, the name of the author of the post is displayed instead of the file name
! Changed the parameter "Number of repeats of video with sound in the galleries". 0 - sound off, -1 - unlimited (2022-06-24)
- After restarting the Sender with the web server turned off, the web server can no longer be turned back on
- Instagram* hashtag search could open in a hidden browser even if downloading from Instagram* was turned off
. Switch design changed (2022-06-17)
- Downloading from Instagram* could stop spontaneously (2022-06-11)
- Delay when switching to a new video in the carousel
+ Ability to turn on the sound by default on the "last" and "carousel" pages (2022-06-08)
. Updated hashtag search on Instagram*
. Search by username on Instagram* is fully functional (2022-06-06)
- SMS from the built-in gallery might not be sent
- There was an extra load on the CPU when authorization in VK failed (bug since version
- After clearing the cache, unsent SMS could not find links
. Search by hashtag on Instagram* is fully functional (2022-06-04)
. Adapted hashtag search on Instagram*
+ Ability to send SMS via Twilio
+ Ability to view the password of the mailbox
+ Added field type "tel"
! Phone number entered is not checked
! Instagram* search by username is not working (2022-05-29)
+ Ability to choose whether or not to wait for the video to finish playing on the "last" page when a new video is received (2022-05-28)
- The "last" page might not switch to the last video (bug since version (2022-05-26)
. Restored text color change tool in email html editor (didn't work since version 2.7)
. Small changes in the formation of html emails (2022-05-26)
. Restored operation of the "Insert link" and "Insert image" buttons in the html email editor (didn't work since version 2.7) (2022-05-19)
- Previews for gif files were not created
+ Ability to change the port number of the embedded web server (2022-05-14)
+ Exported tables from email and SMS databases contain links to cloud services
+ Optimization of requests to VK (2022-05-12)
+ Ability to export a table of links to posts in VK and Instagram where photos were downloaded from (03/05/2022)
- Photos from Instagram* did not load beyond the first page
. Compatible with Instagram's* replacing webp files with jpeg files (28/04/2022)
+ Option "The Yandex.Disk application is used for uploading" (25/04/2022)
- Uploading to the cloud could stop when there were problems with synchronization in the Internet gallery
+ Added the ability to upload to Yandex Disk (13/04/2022)
- Incorrect display of videos with the Rotation tag in the built-in gallery
. Replaced built-in video player (28/03/2022)
+ Downloading photos from VK (21/03/2022)
+ Notice about extremist organization (20/03/2022)
+ Compatibility with dynamic lists of license servers (06/03/2022)
- Emails might not be sent via Sendrid (23/02/2022)
. Removed the link between the link in the QR code and the link in the email template
+ New auto replacement tags in email template (19/02/2022)
- Crash if you click on the "Sign in to Dropbox" button again when the previous authorization session has not ended
- Some web page settings could be applied from the currently selected preset instead of the active preset
- Webpages stopped working if you turned off the active preset, and someone had a page open for downloading videos from a local link
+ Ability to collect visitor data when downloading files via local links (08/02/2022)
- The "last" and "carousel" pages might not open if there was no active preset (bug since version (02/02/2022)
- Google Drive upload broke if KSuseSenderStorage folder had more than 100 folders
. WiFi network password hidden (01/02/2022)
. Removed "Starting time in the gallery" option (28/01/2022)
- Starting a video looped in the web gallery when auto scrolling to the last video (28/01/2022)
- The "Upload" option in "Publications" affected the display of photos in galleries
+ 4 photo branding options (20/01/2022)
- Logins and passwords from mailboxes longer than 31 characters were not supported
! The app now only sees the contents of the special app folder in Dropbox
! You need to sign in to Dropbox again
! Folders in Dropbox are now created in the Sender interface (19/01/2022)
. Minor changes (13/01/2022)
- The web gallery synchronization password was not saved (bug since
- On the "last" page, the size of the WiFi QR code was applied to the QR code of the file
+ Ability to brand "last" and "carousel" pages
! Captions for QR codes on the "last" and "carousel" pages are set in the branding of these pages
! Passwords for synchronization and access to web galleries must be entered in the settings again (10/01/2022)
+ Ability to limit the number of previews in the web gallery (21/12/2021)
- The IP address could be missing in the local link (14/12/2021)
- Video was not hidden in the built-in gallery when switching to photo (09/12/2021)
+ Ability to disable the built-in web server (07/12/2021)
- In the settings did not display captions for links in dark themes
- Svg files from the www folder were not loaded in the web gallery (02/12/2021)
. Restored compatibility with Sendgrid
! Need to replace Sendgrid API key
+ Ability to check Sendgrid settings (24/11/2021)
- There could be a problem with the recording of the license
. .NET Framework 4.8 -> .NET 6
. Program settings have been moved from %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender to %programdata%\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender
+ If sending by e-mail is enabled, then on the page opened by the QR code of a file with a local link, there is a form for sending
! Settings changed in this version will not be read by previous versions (15/11/2021)
+ Ability to resize QR codes in the web gallery (13/11/2021)
- At 00:00 the license disappeared until the program was restarted (09/11/2021)
- The option to display the QR code of the file in galleries affected the display in the carousel
. By default, the option "Show previews even if the link is not received" is enabled (07/11/2021)
. The caption to the QR code of the file did not appear on the "last" page
. White fields appeared on the "last" and "carousel" pages if there were no captions for QR codes
+ All QR codes are now displayed in the Free version
+ Ability to choose background color and background image for "last" and "carousel" pages
! In the Free version, local links work in demo mode. They always open the same file. (27/10/2021)
+ The start of an attempt to upload to the cloud is recorded in the log (22/10/2021)
- Error when trying to rewrite the license (16/10/2021)
- Test print did not work when there were no photos
- Previews were not displayed in the built-in gallery if at least one preset was created and none of them was active
+ When you create the first preset, it automatically becomes active (15/10/2021) Beta
- The built-in browser might not save cookies and sessions
- Crash when trying to create a folder on Google disk without Internet
- Branded printouts from video files could be blank
. Changed logging of synchronization with the website
. Changed the algorithm for working with Instagram
+ Flexible positioning of QR codes
+ Ability to add captions to QR codes
+ QR code to connect to WiFi (29/09/2021)
- Local link and galleries loaded branded photo even when "Original photos" was specified
+ QR codes with local links are posted on printouts (28/09/2021)
. In the web gallery, the consent text was displayed without line separators
+ Added scrollbars for consent text in the built-in gallery
+ Added a button to close the consent page in the web gallery (27/09/2021)
. Direct links replaced with a preview page (24/09/2021)
- The setting from the "last" page was applied to the "carousel" page
+ Ability to display a link to a web gallery in a QR code when choosing to use local links (22/09/2021)
- The position of the sliders for the settings of QR codes on web pages did not change when the text values were changed
+ Ability to display QR code on the "carousel" page
+ Pages "last" and "carousel" can display photos
+ Ability to set the duration of displaying photos on the "carousel" page
+ Ability to show QR codes with local links
! QR codes with local links are not posted on printouts and are not sent by email
! Gallery link has changed
! By default, the editor opens the html code of the email (18/09/2021)
- The program did not start if the built-in browser did not start
! On some computers in versions and higher, the built-in browser does not work (15/09/2021)
- The queue of emails to be sent could be sorted out of date
. Retrying attempts to send are applied to emails that were added or changed after the specified start date in the "Database" tab
+ Emails for which the "Send" button was clicked get high priority in the queue
+ Ability to add additional attachments to the email
+ Ability to ask the guest for permission to send additional attachments (10/09/2021)
- Files might not be displayed in galleries if there was no active preset
- Videos hidden from the gallery were not hidden in the carousel until the page was refreshed
. Clearing the cache has been significantly accelerated (08/09/2021)
- The web gallery could display links to Dropbox although links to Google Drive were selected
- On the printouts, a text link to the online gallery could only be added
. Automatic printing does not print files that were added to the gallery when automatic printing was turned off
+ Automatic printing compatible with QR codes on the printout (07/09/2021)
. The photo no longer appears in the gallery before uploading to the cloud if the QR code of the file is imprinted on it
+ Added the ability to upload to Google Drive (31/07/2021)
- The message "The license has expired" could appear even if the computer never had a license (29/07/2021)
+ Displaying a message in the window header if the license has expired or the hardware identifier has changed
+ Blocked selection of the active mailbox in the Free version (21/07/2021)
- All posts from Instagram were not downloaded when searching by username (15/07/2021)
+ Ability to display QR code on the page with the last video (09/07/2021)
- The last video was not always updated (03/07/2021)
+ Removing "about:" from links in html email before sending (01/07/2021)
- Occasional appearance of an error or Dropbox login window when there are no presets (26/06/2021)
+ Downloading photos from the Top Posts list (24/06/2021)
- Layer settings in branding were not saved
- QR code export button did not export folder link to Dropbox
- Only QR codes of the web gallery were used in branding
+ The choice of uploading branded or original photos applies to Dropbox too
+ Ability to enable displaying files in the web gallery without a QR code if the link is not received
+ Ability to brand printouts to video (22/06/2021)
- Files were not uploaded to Dropbox if other files with the same name already existed there
- Wrong QR code was displayed in the built-in gallery when choosing to display QR code of Dropbox folder
+ Checksum verification of file before re-uploading to Dropbox (21/06/2021)
- There is no preview in the web gallery if there is no active preset
- Not a complete list of folders in Dropbox, if there are a lot of folders/files in the root
! The folder list contains only the folders located at the root (21/06/2021)
- The slider in the web gallery might not scroll completely
- In web gallery version 3, the preview pop-up was glued to the top of the window
- In the web gallery version 3, the "Add email" button did not work
! When you open the web gallery of versions 1 and 2, the slider loads as many photos as specified in the option "Scrolling step for thumbnails in the web gallery" (20/06/2021) Beta
+ Added the ability to upload to Dropbox (02/06/2021)
. Restored the functionality of the gallery version 3 (29/05/2021)
- Requests to the update server were looped (28/05/2021)
- Values of additional fields were not exported to xls in SMS database
- The filter of dates in the SMS database was not applied
- The filename was not displayed in the SMS database (26/05/2021)
- Possible crash if previous versions were not used (bug 2.3.5.Х)
. Hide video button in built-in gallery hides video without confirmation
+ Ability to enter a phone number with a separate database
+ Ability to disable sending by email (19/05/2021)
- Emails were not sent if there were no presets (17/05/2021)
+ Ability to send emails without attachments
+ Ability to send emails with links to the Internet gallery
+ Button to add email address in web gallery (25/04/2021)
- Auto Printing only worked in preset with type "Used for printouts and galleries"
- Auto Printing did not work when the value of 0 in the "Time after which the counter is reset (minutes)" field
! Printing does not work in preset with type "Do not brand" (24/04/2021)
- Settings for outputting QR codes for printing were applied from the selected preset instead of the active one
+ Test print (23/04/2021)
- Lazy load didn't work in web gallery (20/04/2021)
- After clearing the cache, photos were re-printed with automatic printing
. In the FREE version, synchronization with the website now works, but only the last 10 files
+ Print history
+ Ability to limit the number of prints from one account for automatic printing (15/04/2021)
. Cosmetic fixes (14/04/2021)
+ Compatible with Facebook Graph API v10 (29/03/2021)
. Have accelerated transfer of large files by the built-in web server (12/03/2021)
- After updating the web page, the previews in the gallery were displayed in reverse order
. Restored the work of the web gallery version 3
. When adding files to the gallery in bulk, they are sorted by modified date
. The web gallery uses higher resolution previews
+ Ability to change the pause before auto-scrolling in the web gallery
+ Ability to select the scrolling step in the web gallery
+ Export of command to add an allow rule to Windows Firewall (06/03/2021)
. Optimized the built-in webserver
. Adjusted webpages styles (05/03/2021)
+ Compatible with iOS 14.4 (04/03/2021)
- There were no captions for photos from the multipost
. Extended support for 206 Partial Content (18/02/2021)
. Optimized the hashtag check queue (11/02/2021)
- Photos from Instagram were not downloaded after Windows 10 20H2 update (KB4601319, KB4601050) (09/02/2021)
- The web gallery was not displayed if the template for sending emails was not selected
. Correction of work with Instagram (05/02/2021)
+ New library for working with Instagram
+ Built-in Chromium-based browser
+ New logging system (29/01/2021)
- When automatic printing was enabled, photos were sent to print even if printing was disabled
- Files from Instagram were not downloaded when searching by username
- Files downloaded from Instagram could not appear in galleries
- Printing stopped before restarting the program with no active preset (26/01/2021)
. Restored compatibility with Windows 7 (incompatible since (12/01/2021)
+ Ability to test the mailbox settings (07/01/2021)
- Black dots could appear instead of the preview in the web gallery
. Changed the name of the saved images that were sent to print (avoid overwriting) (29/12/2020)
- Duplicate photos from Instagram (26/12/2020)
- Duplicating records in the database and sending emails with copies of one video
. Changed work with Instagram
. New tab "Presets" (22/12/2020)
- The filename was not displayed in the web gallery if the display of the QR code was turned off
. Removed rewind button in Gallery 3
+ Ability to disable downloads from Instagram
! It is necessary to restart the program after turning on the gallery at the second window (20/12/2020)
- Cropped image on the preview on the second screen
. Increased intervals of requests to Instagram (19/12/2020) Beta
+ Second window (Pro) (17/12/2020)
. Checking of Instagram has been accelerated (06/12/2020)
. Added one more column with the file name to the xls export, which allows finding the file after clearing the cache
. Email input field, clear button, and consent text are hidden in galleries when email is disabled (05/12/2020)
- Loading of Instagram could be interrupted until the application is restarted, if the settings are incorrect
+ Search for attached files by name using the current preset in case of clearing the cache
+ Selecting the type of files downloaded from Instagram (05/12/2020)
- Distortion of the proportions of the test photo when the proportions of the current and active presets do not match
- Photo did not move using mouse in Branding
+ Photo position is displayed even if no test photo is selected
+ Selecting photo alignment when fitting to size (03/12/2020)
. Downloads from Instagram works in Free version (01/12/2020)
- Sending error if only the address without <> was specified in the "Sender's name" field, and the login did not match the full address
- Crash when deleting a letter template, if the last letter template is used for sending
. When creating the first email template, it is automatically assigned the type "Template is used to send from Sender"
+ Prohibition to delete the letter template used for sending (14/11/2020)
- When changing the interface language, a number of fields remained in the previous language until the program was restarted
. Renaming sections
+ Ability to disable branding (29/10/2020)
- After clearing the cache, photos might not appear in the online gallery again
. When loading related photo and video, preview set from photos
+ Prevent re-loading of an already uploaded file after clearing the cache
+ Logging the progress of the uploading to the online gallery
! In branch 2.1.9, if you cleared the cache, then you will not be able to resend the emails in the database. (28/10/2020)
- The field for entering the name of the hot folder does not appear in the preset (bug since (25/10/2020)
- The "Show button" setting was not saved in the email settings of the Internet gallery
- The preview might not load on the site (23/10/2020)
- When changing the QR code display settings, the settings from the selected preset were applied, not from the active one (22/10/2020)
+ When clearing the cache, the history of pincodes is saved (18/10/2020)
. Minor fixes (16/10/2020)
+ Ability to specify sender name and email address for Sendgrid (14/10/2020)
- Didn't download Instagram photos from post without caption
- When duplicating an email template, not all fields were copied
. Email templates work in Free version too
+ Ability to hide the send by email button from the Internet gallery
+ Ability to send html emails from the Internet gallery
! New email template system
! It is necessary to replace send.php, part.php, load.php on websites (09/10/2020)
- The label about the need to fill in the fields of the letter template was not hidden
+ Ability to run third-party programs (08/10/2020)
+ Save virtual mobile phone when changing account on Instagram
+ Instagram password is encrypted in the saved session (07/10/2020)
- Incorrect tips to buttons (06/10/2020)
- Does not sync photos to site if "Print only" is selected
+ Download photos from Instagram with and without authorization (Pro)
+ Output of additional messages about synchronization to the log
! It is necessary to replace "icons" folder on websites (04/10/2020)
- After saving the preset overlay has not been updated to make actions with preset
- After deleting a preset, its configuration files remained
- There was no message about the wrong sync password
- When switching from a video with sound to a photo in the built-in gallery, the sound did not turn off
- When clearing the cache, the preview in the built-in gallery was not always updated
+ Choosing a test photo in branding (Pro)
+ Hotkeys to change the position of the test image (Pro)
+ Automatic photo printing (Pro)
+ Ability to overlay QR codes, password, pin code and gallery link on the printout (Pro)
+ Ability to upload original photos or branded photos to the Internet gallery (Pro)
! After changing the print template, you need to clear the cache
! It is necessary to replace ksuse.css on websites (02/10/2020)
- The "Delete all" button did not delete all displayed messages from the database
- Can't read QR code in DzenTech and dark themes
- The sound did not turn off when closing video viewing in the Internet gallery
- Distortion of the aspect ratio of horizontal videos when the tablet is placed vertically
+ Web gallery v3
! It is necessary to replace ksuse.js on websites
! QR codes are not displayed correctly on small screens such as the phone screen (25/09/2020)
- An unprocessed photo was sent by email, even if the "Print and Send" option in branding was selected, unless additional fields were activated
- Single gif files were not processed (24/09/2020)
- Crash when deleting images of overlay graphics
. If the choice of the number of copies is disabled, then the default value is applied.
+ The print button is hidden for 2 seconds after clicking in the built-in gallery (23/09/2020)
+ Ability to enable the selector for the number of printed copies in galleries (Pro) (22/09/2020)
- The print button was displayed when there was no active preset
- File did not appear in the gallery when re-adding to the hot folder after the display time expired
+ Ability to display in the gallery and send to email branded photos (Pro)
+ Setting the number of copies of a photo to be printed (Pro) (19/09/2020)
- The web page "last" displayed the first video, not the last
- The web page "last" does not display the video added to the gallery if the gallery was empty when this page was opened
! Latest video and carousel web pages only work with video files (18/09/2020)
- Web gallery crash in the absence of branding presets (17/09/2020)
- Crash in the absence of presets (17/09/2020)
+ Displaying a link to the gallery, gallery password and file pin code in the web gallery (Pro)
+ Autoscale QR code in web gallery (Pro)
+ Confirmation request to continue synchronizing the Internet gallery when restarting the program (Pro) (15/09/2020) Beta
- Locking files with overlay graphics
- The title of the current slide in the web gallery did not change when swiping
- Hot keys Ctrl + H, Ctrl + D worked when focusing not on all elements in the built-in gallery
- The active preset was not automatically setted after restarting the program
- The changes were not applied until restarting the program or saving the global settings when changing the list of hot folders in a preset
- Thumbnails for photos and videos have different sizes
- Previews for vertical photos are large
- Photos and videos with the same name from the same hot folder were not linked
+ Online gallery (Pro)
+ Ability to disable mailboxes in the sending settings (Pro) (26/08/2020)
+ Ability to mute sound in the built-in gallery
+ Ability to pause video or mute sound after specified number of replays in galleries (24/07/2020)
- Web pages with carousel and the last video did not work (branch 2.0 bug) (19/07/2020)
- Generation of additional test previews
+ Display a list of mail domains in a tooltip (22/05/2020)
. Release Beta (17/05/2020)
- Crash when deleting files in hot folders
- After deleting files in hot folders, they did not disappear in the web gallery
- The built-in gallery spontaneously scrolled and created an excessive load
+ Ability to display button for saving in the web gallery Beta (10/03/2020)
+ Ability to hide photos and videos from galleries (Pro)
+ Ability to give visitors the right to hide photos and videos through the web gallery (Pro) Beta (06/03/2020)
+ Two versions: Free, Pro
+ Ability to use multiple mailboxes (Pro)
+ Branding of photos (Pro)
+ Printing of photos (Pro)
+ Individual hot folders for presets (Pro)
! Version 2.0 is not compatible with 1.x
- If the path to previews is not specified, then they are created in the folder in which the program is installed
- Crash when scrolling through an empty gallery (hot keys Page Up, Page Down)
+ Scrolling the built-in gallery with up and down arrows
+ Another more bigger size of previews in the web gallery
. Removed the ability to connect to the DF server (single gallery)
+ Additional sorting of the preview by name in case of coincidence of the date of change
+ Ability to enable auto-rotation by EXIF
. Correction of themes
+ Video on the pages "last video" and "carousel" is played without controls and pauses when rewinding
+ When saving settings, display selection is recorded
+ Ability to enable the display of controls on the pages "last video" and "carousel"
- Crash when entering the name of a nonexistent disk in the path to the Debug folder
. Correction of dictionaries
. Restored compatibility with Windows 7 x64
- New parameters of additional fields after saving were not applied until reloading or saving the template
- When disabling the display of the additional field, the check mark of the mandatory filling in was not disabled automatically
+ Support of autocomplete in Chrome on Android and Windows
+ Ability to select the type of field with an email address (different virtual keyboards, validation, auto-complete)
+ In the web gallery addresses can be entered separated by space
+ Html5 validation of the email input field
+ Ability to rename additional input fields
+ Ability to make additional input fields required
+ If the consent text is not filled out, then the link is inactive
. Changed the scheme of work with licensing servers
- Limit of 96 hours on the maximum age of photos in the gallery
- Icon "Like" appeared at the message that the user did not consent to the processing of personal data in the web gallery
- The consent checkbox was not reset after sending
+ Ability to automatically erase email address when sending
+ Ability to block autofill
! If you roll back to previous versions, you will have to make the mail settings again
- Does not send several types of attachments in one letter ( -
- .png and .jpeg were not added to the attachments, only .jpg
- Adding extra lines to the database when trying to send to the address with a comma at the end, for example yakon@inbox.ru,
- Only mp4 file names were displayed in the built-in gallery
+ Mixed gallery (For example, only photos without video and vice versa)
! Empty addresses are no longer added to the database
- Case sensitivity ( -
+ Display in the tab "Database" statistics of sending for the selected period
- Freezing interface when generating a large number of previews
+ Additional verification of video files before uploading to the gallery
. Reduced inactivity time in the web gallery from 120 to 60 seconds. If there is no action on the page for more than 60 seconds, then when a new video arrives, it automatically rewinds to it.
+ Ability to hide video in a web gallery after N seconds
+ Ability to set a pause between file detection and processing (to exclude the addition of temporary files)
+ Ability to set the number of video repeats in the web carousel
+ Page with the last video
+ Support mov
! Browsers on most devices only play mov with the h264 codec
- The web gallery did not display gifs
- A plate with previously entered addresses was not hidden when clicking on the "Send" button in the built-in gallery
. The color of the address list and the choice of the template for sending letters in dark themes has been fixed
- Error in the layout of the web gallery
+ Rotate images using EXIF in the built-in gallery and web gallery
. Symbols other than English are displayed correctly in the web gallery in the file name
+ Ability to turn on additional fields for input
+ Ability to make labels on photos from the entered data
+ Buttons for deleting emails
+ Button to delete all emails in the selected interval
+ Ability to change the time interval (in hours) of creating or changing of files to display in the gallery
. Fixed player style in web-carousel
+ Ability to limit the output to the gallery only from a certain date, time
+ Option to enable re-sending messages with the status "Error"
. Mail settings are applied immediately after saving without restarting the program
. Restored re-sending messages with the status "Error"
+ German
- Crash when you try to send when an error in the database
- Crash when incorrectly record in the configuration file
- Crash when exporting the database if the file was locked for writing
- Crash if the temporary file already exists and is locked
. Sending letters with an empty address is also entered into the database for the possibility of further address correction and resending
+ Ability to select the monitor to display the window
+ Saving the full response of the mail server in the database
+ Button to resend all emails in the selected date interval
+ Letter template collection
+ In the database, you can correct email and template number
+ New web gallery
+ Automatic rewind to the last video if there was no user activity for more than 120 seconds
! Do not delete the letter template if there are any letters in the database created with this template that will need to be sent
! It is strongly recommended not to downgrade, as the base format is incompatible with older versions
- When exiting full-screen mode, the window could be larger than the screen resolution
+ Ability to change the width of columns in the "Database" tab
+ Ability to exit full screen mode
+ Ability to enable automatic rewind to the last frame in the gallery
+ Configure timeout smtp session
- Сrash on web socket error
. Increased file transfer stability by web-server
+ Digital signature of exe and msi
+ Active link to download updates
+ Png support
+ Autogenerate previews for photos
- Added languages are not displayed in the interface
- Errors in the database when sending from the interface other than English or Russian
+ Automatic re-sending emails that were sending when the program was turned off
- The send button did not always appear in the web gallery
. Minor fixes
- Sending a preview instead of a full-size photo in the attachment to the letter
. Type of field to enter email in the web gallery
+ Sending by push key Enter in the built-in and web galleries
! In Firefox, when you select an email address from the drop-down list, the submit button does not appear
! Webgallery not working in Edge
- The program does not start without lang.txt
+ Web carousel
+ Portuguese
+ Ability to add your own interface language
+ Two themes: light and dark
. .NET 4.7 -> 4.7.2
. FFmpeg updated
+ Preventing reproduction of ffmpeg processes in the absence of access rights
- Export / import letter template bug
. Replaced icons in the built-in gallery
+ meta tag to put gallery on iPad in presentation mode
- 16:9 video slides down with full-screen
. Returned text message when sending
+ Check for updates
+ New icons in web gallery
+ Checks before generating preview video blocking by other processes
. Sorting changes
+ Assigning creation date of video to the preview
. Files that are loaded from the folder are matched by time, in reverse order.
+ Compatible web gallery with spaces in file names
. x86 -> x64
+ Create previews from mp4
- Crash when video is not available
- Crash when re-sending a letter without attachment
- Require admin rights at startup
- Lock files with preview gallery
. Correct display of the video after its creation
+ New design
+ Rewind button to the last photo
. Autoscroll disabled in web gallery
- Error when losing access to specified folders
- The inability to select a new value of settings in the drop-down lists in "Settings - Basic" with a constant flow of messages in the log
. When creating the gallery, the creation time and the file modification time are also taken into account.
. Changed the scrolling mode in the web gallery
. Optimized the built-in gallery
+ Choosing large or small pictures in the web gallery
+ Added path in the folder with previews.
+ Export and import letter template
+ New network communication protocol
+ Changed the color of the switches to Off
Base hotfix
. Sending letters with two versions of the text (Plain and Html)
. New version of the layout
+ Displaying version number
+ Connecting to the Dragonfly server
+ Displaying web gallery addresses in Settings - Submit
- Jamming of the dispatch queue on one letter (prohibited characters in the address)
+ WYSIWYG editor for the text of letters
+ Sending HTML letters
+ Corrected deletion of rows from the database (delete selected rows with the Delete key) (2024-11-10) Beta
- Sender and did not start for those who had not used 3.3.2 before (2024-11-09) Beta
+ Returned the option "Pause before reading file (ms)"
+ Added option "Hide photos from web gallery when print limit is reached" (2024-11-03) Beta
- Prompt may not have been sent
- Gif of waiting for the result of AI work was saved when switching to another photo
- Crash if you delete a preset that was active
+ Button to open a folder with photos downloaded from Telegram
+ Button to open a folder with tasks (png) sent to print
+ Support for version 1b
+ Tag support (setting generation parameters)
KSuse Sender (2024-11-03)
. .NET 6 -> .NET 8
- There was a crash during test printing without an active preset
+ Message about no active preset when trying to print
. Download from Instagram removed (2024-08-29) Beta
- The date filter in the email database did not update the email list until the first change to any record
- Crash when trying to correct an email address in a row in the email database (2024-08-19) Beta
- The emails counter was updated only after restarting the program or changing the date filter
+ The number of printouts of photo variants from the second slider can be summed up in the printout limit
- When clicking the "Process in AI" button at one of processing variants, that variant was sent for processing, not the original photo (2024-08-17) Beta
- Some service folders may not have been created
. The email input field has been expanded (2024-08-07) Beta
- The background image in branding was not updated until the program was restarted
- AI processing of regular photos did not work after implementing stickers
+ Fun Photo V2 Support
+ Compression support
- Crash if a broken branding overlay image was generated when saving
! Crash on saving after adding 5th mailbox. The bug has not been fixed yet. It is recommended to save the settings after adding a mailbox, run the program again, and then change any other settings. (2024-06-28) Beta
- A photo could be sent as an attachment instead of a video.
- When you enabled the display of branded photos in the gallery, the video player stopped working (2024-06-23) Beta
- Printing from the web gallery did not work
- After refreshing the web gallery page, photos were displayed in reverse order
- Hiding a photo from the gallery might not work
+ Ability to send sticker packs for Telegram (2024-04-11) Beta
- Automatic printing did not work if branding was selected for printouts only
. The functionality of galleries versions 3 and 4 has been restored (2024-03-05) Beta
- The new active preset might not be selected
- There was a possible crash when sending emails
- The QR code of the file at the Photowith.me gallery might not be displayed in versions 3 and 4 web galleries
. The layout of galleries has been changed
. Sender logs are now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender3\Logs
. SSL certificate checking is disabled
. Sender cache is now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender3\Cache
+ Added drop-down lists for selecting dates in the date filter of the email database
+ Ability to hide the print button in the web gallery when the print limit is reached
+ A QR code for upload via Telegram
. The function of removing the background from print branding has been removed
+ Automatic background removal using KSuse Cloud
+ Generate photos using KSuse Cloud
+ Hiding HTML text editor buttons when HTML mode is enabled
. Built-in gallery removed
+ Added operator web gallery
. Files are identified by hash, not by name
. The same file sent under different names will not be automatically printed a second time
- The original photographs were always sent by email, regardless of the chosen print branding
! If print branding is enabled, a branded photo is uploaded to the cloud and sent by email
! After clearing the cache, emails with AI-processed photos cannot be resent
! Internet gallery does not work correctly
! It is strongly recommended not to use cache clearing if the event is not completed
! No backward compatibility with previous versions
! Galleries version 3 and 4 do not work (2023-12-04)
. Sender logs are now located by default in the folder C:\ProgramData\ksuse.ru\KSuseSender\Logs
. SSL certificate checking is disabled