Key features
Easy interface
Russian \ English \ Portuguese \ German interface
Ability to add your own interface language
The maximum size of the overlay image is 23K
Overlay graphics in many format *
Tracking new photos in multiple folders
Import photos from the VK on the specified hashtag, keywords
Support for importing multiple hashtags
Intelligent cropping (searching faces)
Direct printing
Ability to print multiple cells per sheet
Printing to multiple printers
Continuing to fill the wall and print after restarting the program
Ability to stop the current wall and continue filling with another (pause mode)
Competition mode - division of the photo wall into blocks for filling with different teams
Pre-moderation of photos
Animation on the second screen
* more than 100 formats, to use some formats need third-party software
Web interface
Presets of photo walls
Presets of photo walls
Pause mode
Ability to work with multiple photo walls
Ability to print multiple cells per sheet
Import photos from VK
Support for importing multiple hashtags
Intelligent crop with face search
Overlay graphics in many formats
Printing on multiple printers
Pre-moderation of photos
Many hot folders
Direct printing
Competition mode
Maximum number of cells
1 million
Digital photo wall
Record animation in mp4
Sending of animation
Online version (website)
Changelog (2025-01-16)
+ Ability to disable "Fall out" animation for deleting cells (cell replacement, infinite filling) (2024-12-30)
. Digital wall fixes (2024-10-18)
+ Button for aligning the size of the photo area and the size of the sheet in branding printing a copy to the guest (2024-09-29)
+ "Cover entire area" button to place the overlay without empty areas
+ Indicator whether the image layer covers the entire wall surface (2024-07-08)
- When restarting the program, filling the previous wall did not start automatically
- A crash was possible when turning off animation while filling a wall
+ Setting the width of the additional column with the latest photos
! If you have changed the location of the slider with latest photos, then you need to restart filling the wall for correct redrawing
+ Two modes for displaying the latest photos: “Additional column” and “Pop up” (2024-07-07)
- Video capture ended incorrectly (2024-07-07)
. .NET 6 -> .NET 8
- Removed download from Instagram *
+ Added drop-down lists for selecting dates in the date filter of the email database
+ Ability to display a grid on a digital wall
+ Ability to set "Close-up duration (seconds)" in the appearance animation
+ Ability to display an additional column with the latest photos on the digital wall (2023-12-17)
- There was incorrect cropping when face search was turned on, if the photo contained rotation information in EXIF
. Small background faces are no longer taken into account when searching for faces (2023-12-04)
. SSL certificate checking is disabled (2023-11-30)
- Infinite filling did not work with the options "Fill only mask" and "Fill outside the mask only"
+ Confirmation of deleting a preset, layer, wall (2023-11-01)
- When clearing the value of the "Test photo" field in "Print Settings", the test photo was not removed from the screen
- The values of the “Test photo” fields in the “Generator” and “Print Settings” were not synchronized, although this is the same image (2023-10-19)
+ Ability to display an indicator of the number of filled cells in the web version
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site
! The indicators on the digital wall and the web version differ in appearance (2023-10-12)
+ Ability to limit the appearance animation zone (2023-10-09)
- The "Zoom" effect could sometimes display overlayed images rather than the original photos
. Going to the "Generator" tab no longer resets the "Zoom" effect
+ Ability to count deleted cells in the indicator on the digital wall (for endless filling mode)
+ In the “Zoom” effect, when conducting a manual lottery, the cell retains a frame
+ Exit from the “Zoom” effect in the “Lottery” mode or when manually starting “Zoom” is carried out only by pressing the button in the main window (2023-10-08)
- Cell printing (processing) stopped if there was a deleted or damaged file in the print queue (bug since version (2023-10-07)
+ Possibility to display an indicator of the number of filled cells on a digital wall (2023-10-05)
- The "Download from Instagram *" option was applied not from the active preset, but from the current one selected in the "Generator" tab
- Loading from Instagram was interrupted when there was a "one-by-two" element
! Instagram in the browser displays only Top publications when searching by hashtag, that is, you can only download from the last 30 posts (2023-09-22)
- Adding photos to pre-moderation did not resume after approval/rejection of an excessive number of photos (2023-09-06)
- If the program was launched without a digital wall, then turning on the digital wall images were displayed on it in animations always with an overlay
- The wide wall preview in the Generator went beyond the render area
- The background was heavily visible between cells in the exported preview.
- Printing on virtual printers could get stuck in a loop
. Printer response monitoring is partially disabled
+ "Rendering photos for printing" option is now saved when the program is restarted
! To make a preview without watermarks in the demo version, you need to disable printing, digital wall and photo rendering for printing (2023-08-02)
+ Indexes are now also displayed in the main window on large walls
+ In the main window, the indicator displays the index of the cell on which the mouse cursor is hovered (2023-07-17)
- Layers marked as background were not used in the branding of the copy to the guest
. Reduced pixelation of photos when printing
+ Display cell borders as a dotted line in the branding of the copy to the guest
+ New authorization window based on Chromium (VK disabled the ability to log in through IE)
+ Support for two-factor authentication in VK and QR code login (2023-07-05)
- The last column of the wall was most often filled last when randomly filled
. The button to export the finished wall to a file for printing is hidden if printing or rendering for printing is turned off
! Enabling rendering for printing does not affect already prepared cells in any way (2023-06-16)
+ Ability to create multiple cells with one photo
. If the numbering of cell indices did not start from 0, and the display from index 0 was specified in the settings of the digital wall, then there were empty rows and columns (2023-06-14)
- The option "Pause before reading file (ms)" did not work
Attention! When upgrading, you need to uninstall the old version, then install this version (2023-04-27)
- .gif, .heic and .png 32bit from hot folders were not added to the photo wall when face search was enabled
- Photos that were added to the database, but whose processing was not completed before the program was restarted, might not be displayed on the photo wall
+ Added a pause of 60 seconds after the start of the program before processing new photos, so that it is possible to stop the wall if the crash of the program is caused by face search
. Expanded the ID of a file received by email
+ .heic support when downloading from email
+ Ability to change hot folders without stopping the wall
! For correct operation (clearing the cache, reprinting, uploading, etc.), all photos must be in the folders from which they were read when they were first added to the photo wall until the end of work with the current photo wall (2023-04-18)
+ Added line wrapping in the log window for readability (2023-04-03)
. It is no longer possible to set less than 1 cell per sheet in the print layout
+ Remove printer button (2023-03-07)
- Printing might not work when printing more than one copy of a cell
- When printing multiple copies of a cell, when printing multiple cells per sheet, the copies could fall on different sheets (2023-02-28)
+ Ability to swap columns and rows in indexes (2023-02-21)
- There was a different render when the printing was on and off (bug since version
- UI froze a bit when starting and stopping the wall
. "Infinite filling" mode and cell printing are compatible (2023-02-19)
- With printing turned off, some of the cells on the digital wall could be displayed without an overlay
- With infinite filling with a large number of files, old cells disappeared faster than new ones appeared
- With infinite filling, the replacement of cells began before the entire screen on the digital wall was filled
- Falling cells could show through emerging new cells
! "Infinite filling" mode and cell printing are not compatible (2023-02-12)
- Some cells might not show up on the digital wall before reprinting or restarting the program
. Photos removed from the wall are added in pre-moderations with the status "Rejected" and can be re-displayed in pre-moderation using the corresponding button
. Removed vertical menu in "Sending"
+ Ability to add a print mask (limiting the area of printed cells)
+ Ability to display only part of the wall on the digital wall (2023-02-04)
- In the absence of printers, the output of cells on the digital wall could loop (bug from (2023-02-03)
- No retries were made to print cells after "The print queue is full" error until a new photo arrived (2023-01-31)
+ Automatic rotation when printing (taking into account the orientation of the paper in the printer) (2022-12-23)
- There was a shift of cells in the Zoom animation when the screen had scale more than 100%
! It is recommended to use 100% scale (2022-12-14)
- In the Cache\CellOrig folder, some files were not deleted when the wall was deleted and when starting a new wall, could old photos from the cache be used
- When creating a photo from a video, a command line window appeared
. Restored work with Instagram*
+ Ability to clear cache of frames from video
+ Ability to stop the commercial
+ Ability to display an image or video on a digital wall that hides the contents of the wall (emergency splash screen)
+ Video plays during Zoom animation if original file was in mp4 format
! Mp4 files from the hot folder are not cached, it is necessary to ensure constant access to files
! Mp4 files must have a unique name (2022-11-12)
. In the new presets, the default preview size is x3 (as recommended for digital photo walls)
. The digital wall is displayed correctly when the screen is scaled up (but it is recommended to use 100% scale)
+ Ability to run a lottery (2022-09-24)
- Download from Instagram* could run without activation if tags were just specified
+ Possibility to choose the order in which files are read from hot folders by modification date or by name
! In practice, the choice above does not matter, since the processing takes place in a parallel stream and the file that is added later can be processed earlier if it was considered faster (2022-09-23)
. No more "Error on loading : Wrong MIME" message
. Improved file format detection when replacing the extension by Instagram
. Screen settings moved to a separate tab
+ Ability to create a photo wall preview without watermarks in the demo version (2022-09-09)
. The dates associated with the license are displayed in the format dd MMMM yyyy (for example, 08 August 2022)
. Improved support for hardware acceleration when generating overlay graphics (2022-09-06)
- Artifacts could appear on imported pngs (Imagemagick bug) (2022-08-04)
- Infinite filling did not work correctly (2022-08-01)
+ Ability to disable the function of moving cells on the main screen
+ Clicking on a cell on the main screen selects its index in the dropdown lists (2022-07-20)
- The program interface could freeze when synchronizing with the website
- Photos on the website could be distorted when using the "Stretch the wall to full screen" option
. Switch design changed (2022-06-22)
. The grid for printing is exported without the watermark "Demo" in the demo version (2022-06-17)
- Downloading from Instagram* could stop spontaneously (2022-06-13)
- "Fill with Copies" button worked only once after restarting the wall
. Faster filling of finished wall
+ When clearing the cell, the photo returns to pre-moderation
+ If printing of adjacent cells is enabled, then when clearing a cell, the entire block of cells associated with it is automatically cleared (2022-06-08)
. Search by hashtag and by username on Instagram* is fully functional (2022-06-04)
- There was a crash with a hardware acceleration error
. Adapted hashtag search on Instagram*
! Instagram* search by username is not working
! Photos are only loaded from the last 27 Instagram* posts (2022-05-29)
- There was an extra load in idle time
- Artifacts could appear on imported images
- There were problems when printing adjacent cells
. Multithreading accelerated1.10.3.0 (2022-05-25)
. Reorganized function to print multiple copies of a cell
+ Optimization of requests to VK (04/05/2022)
- The address of the web server for synchronization longer than 31 characters was not saved
- Photos from Instagram* did not load beyond the first page
. Compatible with Instagram's* replacing webp files with jpeg files
+ Ability to reprint all cells of the current wall at one time
! Sync and mailbox passwords saved in this version will not be read by previous versions (21/04/2022)
- Appearance animation did not take into account the option "Stretch wall to full screen"
. Appearance animation now waits for the Zoom animation to finish
+ Print status in the main window
+ Print pause button in the main window
+ Cell size and number calculator (18/04/2022)
- Indistinguishable text in dropdowns in dark themes
- Crash when clicking on embedded web page links
. The photo is returned to the processing queue if a free index could not be found for it
. The cell is marked printed only after the printer has accepted the print job from the queue
. Print jobs are not sent to the printer if there is more than one document in the print queue in Windows
+ Printer status display
+ Ability to delete the last N cells
+ Downloading photos from VK
+ Ability to return rejected photos for re-pre-moderation (21/03/2022)
+ Notice about extremist organization (20/03/2022)
+ Compatibility with dynamic lists of license servers (15/12/2021)
- Crash when importing a damaged file as a mask
- Crash when selecting a damaged file as an overlay with hardware acceleration enabled
+ Pop-up window on error reading image (14/12/2021)
+ Ability to set the maximum number of turns that the photo makes in the animation of the appearance (03/12/2021)
- Crash when installing from scratch (bug since version (02/12/2021)
. Restored compatibility with Sendgrid
! Need to replace Sendgrid API key
+ Ability to check Sendgrid settings (30/11/2021)
- Video on the digital wall might not play if the same video was opened twice in a row in the Zoom effect
- Crash when saving a preset if the interface language was changed and the settings were not saved
. .NET Framework 4.8 -> .NET 6
. Program settings have been moved from %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\\PhotoWall to %programdata%\\PhotoWall
! Settings changed in this version will not be read by previous versions
+ If there is a mask, the filling with copies and empty cells is controlled by the Ctrl key
+ When filling with empty cells, the value of the number of copies is taken into account
! Use the options "Fill only the mask" or "Fill only outside the mask" only if the mask is present (24/11/2021)
+ Ability to disable hardware acceleration when generating overlays
! Hardware accelerated generation of overlays does not work when connecting multiple monitors via a docking station (24/11/2021)
- Crash on some computers without OpenGL support (22/11/2021)
+ Search for faces using AI (13/11/2021)
- At 00:00 the license disappeared until the program was restarted (11/11/2021)
- Cells were not displayed on the digital wall after the "Error on processing" error occurred
- Cells on the digital wall were not displayed if their number was less than indicated in the print layout, even if printing was disabled (10/11/2021) Beta
. By default, face search in preset is disabled
. Several times faster generation of overlay graphics when saving a preset
! Background images do not blend with wall background color (01/11/2021)
- Photo loading might stop after filling in the mask (25/10/2021)
- Crash when synchronizing with a website, if the site address did not end with / (22/10/2021)
- When saving a preset, the message "Wait" disappeared until the end of the process if the error "The number of columns is not a multiple of the layout" was displayed
- Error when trying to rewrite the license (19/10/2021)
- Reprint web page did not display cells (15/10/2021)
+ Ability to manually launch ads (07/10/2021)
- Plates with a name in the Zoom effect appeared on top of the ad
. Changed the algorithm for working with Instagram (05/10/2021)
- Crash at 0 second interval between commercials
- If the interval between commercials was shorter than the duration of these commercials, then their playback was interrupted
- With infinite filling in the Zoom animation, old cells could be displayed
- Promotional video did not stop when stopping filling the wall
- With infinite filling when large portions of photos arrived, the number of finished cells could become more than the total number of cells
. Increased photo size in the animation of appearance
+ The index of the last ad unit is saved to continue playing the list after restarting the wall (03/10/2021)
+ Customizable preview size (27/09/2021)
. All found files are downloading from Instagram, even if the wall is already full
+ Smooth appearance of the video player (26/09/2021)
- Messages about an error reading from Instagram if the photo does not have a caption
. The field for entering hashtags has been moved to the Instagram tab in the Generator
+ Ability to choose whether to download videos from Instagram
+ With infinite filling, not random cells are replaced, but the oldest ones
+ When replacing a cell, it does not disappear from the digital wall, but falls down
+ Infinite filling compatible with "Fill only mask"
! Infinite filling is not compatible with printing adjacent cells (25/09/2021)
- The program did not start if the built-in browser did not start
+ Ability to turn on / off the display of the author and captions for photos
+ In the web version, the camera return button is not displayed when the camera is at the start position
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site
! On some computers in versions and higher, the built-in browser does not work (13/09/2021)
- The photo was not reused if it could not get the cell index on the wall (13/09/2021)
- Possible crash (07/09/2021)
- Stopped loading photos from the hot folder if an erroneous index of the next cell was generated (05/09/2021)
- Could print multiple copies of the same cell when re-printing by clicking on the cell
- The warning did not disappear immediately after disabling printing of adjacent cells
- In the preset did not display the selected "Threshold" value in the chroma key settings
- "Remove chromakey" was not always used (since
! Removed "Remove Background" option as deprecated (03/09/2021)
. The limit on the number of photos in the pre-moderation window has been canceled
+ Ability to print adjacent cells when the number of columns / rows is not a multiple of the number of adjacent cells
+ Ability to enable / disable printing of adjacent cells without stopping the current wall (07/08/2021)
. Accelerated face recognition
+ Ability to reset cell numbering (03/08/2021)
- When printing both cell and copy for visitor at the same time, the queue was waiting for 2 times more photos before printing than needed for one sheet
+ Ability to add an index or sequential number of a cell to print a copy to a visitor (21/07/2021)
- After switching between the walls, the pre-moderation might not be refilled with photos previously downloaded from Instagram
- Repeated downloads of files from Instagram
- All posts from Instagram were not downloaded when searching by username
- Appearance animation settings affected to the display speed of cells even when appearance animation was turned off (20/07/2021)
- Grid without mask could be exported empty
- Erroneous placement of cells in the print queue at certain combinations of settings
. B/W cells are not used if printing is disabled (05/07/2021)
. Filling out the web version with preserving the zoom effect is accelerated (04/07/2021)
- Crash when choosing a preset in the Generator with fewer cells than the currently active one
- Photos might not sync with the website (03/07/2021)
- Double Tap did not work in mobile browser
. Optimized web version
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site (27/06/2021)
- Photos were not downloaded from Instagram when searching under username
. Optimized web version for a large number of cells
+ Downloading photos from the Top Posts list
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site (18/06/2021)
- Filling with copies might not complete on the first try
. Optimized web version
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site (16/06/2021)
- Grid for printing more than 31 m2 was not exported
. Adjusted work of masks
. The grid is exported now without margins
+ Filling only outside the mask
+ If only mask fill is selected, then the exported grid is empty outside the mask (12/06/2021)
. Streaming to YouTube is smoother (reduced slideshow effect)
+ Ability to run Zoom animation to the selected cell (15/04/2021)
- There were no captions for photos from the multipost
. The built-in page for reprinting has been restored
+ Compatible with iOS 14.4
+ Compatible with Facebook Graph API v10 (18/02/2021)
. Fixed requests to download information about the author of the post
. Optimized the hashtag check queue (14/02/2021)
. Changed the name of files with a predefined index to set_X_Y
+ Checking of a predefined index (11/02/2021)
- Photos from Instagram were not downloaded after Windows 10 20H2 update (KB4601319, KB4601050) (07/02/2021)
. Updated Zoom animation
+ New library for working with Instagram
+ Built-in Chromium-based browser
+ New logging system (29/01/2021)
- Messages in the log about the absence of files when the digital wall is on and the animation of appearance is off
- Files from Instagram were not downloaded when searching by username (26/01/2021)
. Restored compatibility with Windows 7 (incompatible since (18/01/2021)
- Html version of the email was not used after restart
+ Ability to predefine the cell index for placement
+ 2 types of thank you email templates (16/01/2021)
+ Ability to test the mailbox settings
. Updating the cache structure
. Moved the setting of fast filling of the wall
. Preview sizes are standardized
! Walls created in previous versions are incompatible with this version
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder and the file sync.php to the site (10/01/2021)
- In some cases, when saving a preset, the entire overlaid graphics could create again, although no changes were made to the layers
- Cell on digital wall amd on the website did not disappear in old position after dragging
- Cells after dragging photos into them might not be marked as already occupied
- On the website, cells, after dragging and dropping, were displayed with an overlay, even if the use of sources was turned on
. Correct update of the counter of displayed cells when dragging
. Correct update of the counter of displayed cells during the Fall off animation
! You need to wait for the cell's overlay graphics to update after dragging to a new position before dragging it again
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder and the file sync.php to the site (08/01/2021)
- Crash when switching between presets with different settings for Instagram in the absence of an active wall (22/12/2020)
- Original images on digital wall with background removal enabled were displayed with black areas instead of chroma key
- Animation Zoom can work not correctly on a digital wall (shift of source photo)
+ Ability to disable downloads from Instagram (19/12/2020)
. Increased intervals of requests to Instagram (17/12/2020)
. Checking of Instagram has been accelerated
+ Selecting the type of files downloaded from Instagram
+ Ability to print the first frame from the video (11/12/2020)
- Distortion of the aspect ratio of the digital wall when there is an unhidden taskbar on the selected display
! The digital wall works correctly only when the scale is 100% set in the properties of all monitors (26/11/2020)
. Quickly open the Generator tab (24/11/2020)
. Acceleration of generation of overlay graphics when saving a preset
+ Two "Start" icons depending on the mode (22/11/2020)
- Offset display of displays in digital wall settings if primary display is not 1.
. By default, the "Date (from)" value is 01/01/2020 (08/11/2020)
+ Buttons to remove walls and hot folders
+ Changing the selected preset will deselect the wall in the lower list (22/10/2020)
- Interface freezes when the preset has no layers for the cells and there are layers for the copies for guests
- In the photo wall on the website, if, after the effect of approaching a cell, you go to an adjacent cell and then fly off the wall, then the original cell did not return the displaying of the overlay graphics
- Some of the photos in the extreme rows on the website do not respond to mouse clicks
+ Ability to fill cells with overlaid graphics instead of photos
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site (20/10/2020)
- Thanks emails were not sent to those who sent the photo to the mail, and not through the site
- Records with an empty recipient address from emails received through the site could be added to the sending queue
+ Force checking for new emails every 60 seconds (18/10/2020)
+ Ability to specify sender name and email address for Sendgrid
+ Ability to set the need to send thanks in each preset separately (16/10/2020)
- Didn't download Instagram photos from post without caption
- When re-sending the letter, the current template was used, and not specified when creating an email in the queue
+ Automatic restart of ffmpeg in case of disconnection with the rtmp server after the connection is restored
+ Ability to use multiple displays for digital wall (08/10/2020)
- Crash when trying to record animation with no active wall
. The second window with animation does not maximized
+ Save virtual mobile phone when changing account on Instagram
+ Instagram password is encrypted in the saved session (30/09/2020)
- Error when filling with copies (25/09/2020)
- Error in the processing queue of photos received by e-mail, if the letter templates are not specified
- Sendgrid API key not saved (22/09/2020)
+ Support for "challenge required" when logging into Instagram (21/09/2020)
- Unable to log in to Instagram after the cookie expires
- When you click "Send All", all previously unsent messages were sent, including those outside the selected date range
- When the "Automatically resend" option was disabled, emails were sent without an attached video
- The option "Automatically add to the send queue" was applied only from the global setting
- Captions to the photo were not displayed at the beginning of the video when recording animation for sending
- Photos in grayscale displayed as psychedelic
- The SMTP timeout value was not taken into account when sending letters
- Error in pre-moderation if there is' in the filename
- Not all fields were copied when duplicating an email template
+ Forced access to the mail server every 30 seconds
+ Email templates for thanks and winning notifications
+ Ability to disable mailboxes in the sending settings
! Make sure you have no unsent emails before upgrading to this version. It is recommended to clear the mail database (26/08/2020)
+ Ability to log in to Instagram
+ Ability to download all photos and videos from a post and more than 16 recent posts when logging into Instagram
! Instagram account may be banned (29/07/2020)
- Invalid Instagram username in cells on the website
- When deleting a wall, not all cache was cleared
+ Output of captions to photos in pre-moderation
! Different versions of the wall had a different format for storing cached data. To completely clear cached data, you must manually delete the Cache folder. Walls without access to the sources will be lost! (28/07/2020)
- Recording of animation to a file did not work (23/07/2020)
+ Support of
+ Automatic restoration of connection with imap after disconnecting the Internet / disconnecting the connection with the server (21/07/2020)
. Changed the lighting of the scene in the web version, the colors became brighter
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site (19/07/2020)
- Stop bypassing messages in the mailbox if one of them fails to download
- Mixed up labels for field options in the web version in the generator
+ Output of authorization errors in the mail service to the log (12/07/2020)
- Different sizes of plates when different sizes of window with WebGL content
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site (12/07/2020)
- Cells fly behind the wall when a very small number of cells in the web version
- Empty cell when clicked again
. Default settings changed for preset
+ Display of photo captions during the "Zoom" animation in the web version
! You must copy the contents of the folder "Build" to the site, the files: style.css, index.php, sync.php, send.php (07/07/2020) Beta
- Photos with an uppercase file extension were not downloaded from the mailbox
+ Display photo captions in the animation "Zoom" on a digital wall (28/06/2020) Beta
+ Extended logging of web synchronization
+ Ability to add audio to streaming and to record animation in a file
+ Prize information in exported cell list
+ Random rotation of photos in the appearance animation
+ Animation "Fall off"
. The settings for streaming and recording animations to a file are individual for each preset
. Broadcasting starts when the wall fill starts.
! You need to copy the contents of the Build folder to the site, the files style.css, index.php, sync.php, send.php