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What is personal data

Dear clients, buyers, partners, ladies, gentlemen, comrades, friends and even enemies! Regardless of your gender, age, religion, political beliefs and football addictions, when selling our products, we ask you to provide your full name, contact phone number, email address, delivery address and other information. This is your personal data, and it is of considerable value, including from the point of view of your security. Therefore, personal data is protected by law. We do everything necessary to protect the information that you entrust to us. You have nothing to fear, unless, of course, you are a spy or a criminal. Only in this case, your personal data can be transferred from us to the servers of the competent authorities, and even then only after a properly executed request in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. However, Big Brother knows everything about you even without our help.

Why we need your personal data

We are not interested in your personality out of idle curiosity, but only in order to be able to fully fulfill our obligations to you in accordance with the client agreement. To confirm the order, we need your phone number. We cannot deliver the goods to you without knowing the address. We need email so that we can get back to you with any questions you may have. In a word, we are talking about our obligations to sell and deliver goods, provide services and information about changes in customer service conditions, new products, promotions, promotional codes, as well as in order to promote goods, works and services. We do not pursue any other goals, except for the above, and the amount of information requested is determined precisely by them. You can keep your party affiliation and other bad habits to yourself.

How your personal data gets to us

Your personal data comes to us:

– when placing an order on the website;

- when you communicate with the manager by phone;

In addition, as when you visit any other site on the Internet, including search engines and social networks, many data are read automatically from your device: IP address, cookie data, browser information, hardware and software specifications, date and time of access to services, addresses of requested pages, and the like. Therefore, everything said in this document applies to all information that the Konstantin's Software online store located on the domain name can receive about the client while using the online store website, services, programs and products of the online store.

What do you agree to by submitting your personal data to us?

By providing your personal data, you automatically agree to its processing in order to fulfill our obligations to sell goods, provide services and information about changes in the terms of customer service, new products, promotions, promotional codes.

Our Commitments

We are obliged:

– to process the client’s personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, as well as other regulatory documents in the field of protection and processing of personal data;

– use the information received solely for the purposes specified in this document;

– ensure that confidential information is kept confidential;

- to block personal data from the moment the client or his legal representative contacts;

– do not transfer the received information to third parties without the prior written permission of the client. It is not considered a violation of our provision of information to third parties acting on the basis of agreements with the online store (postal, courier services, regional stores, etc.), in order to fulfill our obligations to customers and only within the framework of such agreements.


We are not responsible if the information transmitted to us is leaked through no fault of ours, for example, if someone hacked into your mail, eavesdropped on your telephone conversation with our manager, etc.

We are not responsible for the websites of third parties, to which the client can follow the links available on the website

Everything written here is subject to change due to changes in the current legislation and the market situation. Please visit this page often. We are always glad to see guests, even if you have come to our site only to read this document first.

©2018-2025, Konstantin Kuiukov pr Beograd

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