This User Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", is concluded between the Konstantin's Software Internet store, which has an Internet address, hereinafter referred to as the "Online Store", and the User of the services of the Online Store, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer ”, and determines the conditions for the purchase of goods by the latter in the store.
1.1. This Agreement is concluded between the Buyer and the Internet store at the time of placing the order. The Buyer confirms his acceptance of the conditions established by this Agreement.
1.2. This Agreement, as well as information about the product presented on the Site, is a public offer.
1.3. The buyer can be any individual or legal entity capable of accepting and paying for the goods ordered by him in the manner and on the terms established by this Agreement.
1.4. The Internet store reserves the right to amend this Agreement and sells various goods from suppliers as a result of an agreement between the Buyer and the Internet store, which is concluded through the Offer Acceptance.
1.5. The end user can be a legal or natural person (a citizen of any country or a stateless person), with an age limit of eighteen years and / or having the rights and obligations of full civil capacity by age.
2.1. Availability of goods online store, in rare cases, it may change due to technical problems of the warehouse or software problems of the online store.
2.2. The online store works with additional services for paying for goods and can supplement and change the list of additional services displayed on the pages of the online store.
2.3. In the event that the goods are not in stock for some objective reason, and the order cannot be fully or partially fulfilled, the operator of the Internet store contacts the Buyer and offers, if possible, a different delivery time or a replacement for another product. The online store is authorized to notify the Buyer of these circumstances on the pages of the site with an offer to contact through certain channels.
2.4. The photographs accompanying the product are illustrations only and may differ from the actual product. The descriptions or specifications accompanying the product do not claim to be exhaustive and may contain inaccuracies. Information in the Internet store is changed periodically.
2.5. The buyer is responsible for the correctness of the names and quantities of the selected goods. Having chosen the desired product, the Buyer is obliged to fill in the required data specified in the registration form. The buyer must provide valid data at checkout that are necessary to complete the order. The online store is not responsible for the correctness and validity of the data provided by the Client and the consequences caused by this.
2.6. The sale is considered completed from the moment of transfer of the ordered goods and full payment for the order. It is carried out within the framework of the Public Offer Agreement and provided that the Buyer expresses his intention to conclude an Agreement for the provision of services, namely, to purchase and pay for the selected product in the system and through additional payment services in accordance with the conditions provided for by the rules of the Internet store within the framework of this offer.
3.1. Public offer agreement for the provision of services of an Internet store for the sale of goods provided by the store service on the resource on the Internet in the manner and on the terms stipulated by the rules of work. This Agreement is concluded by acceptance by the Buyers of this public Offer containing all the essential terms of the Agreement, without signing by the Parties and without specifying any details.
3.2. The Agreement is considered concluded if the Agreement is reached on all essential terms. In the absence of such a requirement for the Offer, and in any case, the proposal to conclude the Agreement would not contain all the essential terms of the Agreement, then the acceptance of such an offer would not entail legal consequences - the recognition that the Agreement has not been concluded.
3.3. The full and unconditional acceptance of this public Offer in accordance with the generally accepted rules and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement is the achievement of the result determined by the Buyer when providing the services of the Internet store with the preliminary performance of actions aimed at establishing remote interaction.
3.4. Mandatory actions of the Internet store prior to the provision of services are: familiarization with the terms of this Offer; independent determination by the Buyer when making purchases in the Internet store of any data used in the process of paying for the goods.
3.5. In the event of problems with the goods that arose obviously before receiving the goods, the Buyer must contact the managers at the specified specific contacts of the online store within 24 hours after the payment - the transaction and the corresponding receipt of the amount of money.
3.6. The activity of the online store is determined by this Agreement, i.e. subject to the obligatory condition of exclusive sales of goods from various suppliers, with the obligatory condition of exclusion of any exchange, purchase, etc.
4.1. The moment of acquaintance with the terms of this Agreement and the elements of the offer is the completion by the Buyer of all actions aimed at making a purchase. The conclusion of the Offer Agreement means that the Buyer is fully acquainted with the terms of the provision of services, the functioning of the sales system of the Internet store, of course, recognizes the result of the provision of services described on the store's website in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the elements of the offer.
4.2. This document, valid at the time of purchase, in the form of an electronic document, is available to the Buyer on the website of the Internet store.
4.3. Maintaining statistics on the provision of services and providing the Buyer with access to it is carried out by the Internet store service. Access to the statistics of the provision of services is carried out through the user interface on the website of the Internet store using the means of identifying the buyer in accordance with the selected payment method.
4.4. Within the framework of this Agreement, information support is provided for the Buyers of the Internet store in terms of its operation, payment service and other issues.
4.5. The receipt of the purchased goods occurs exclusively through a strictly defined service. Payment methods are represented by the payment acceptance service that the Internet store works with. If you have any problems with the payment process, please contact the store managers. The online store is not responsible for delays in cash transactions. Including transactions through terminals, through other payment systems, etc.
4.6. The Internet shop operates 24 hours a day. Information support works on an unregulated schedule.
4.7. Information support of the Internet store is entitled to request from the Buyer any data on the purchase made.
4.8. The calculation of the cost of the services provided by the Internet store is carried out and applied at the remuneration rates indicated on the store's website. In addition, the right to regulate discounts for regular customers is assigned by this Agreement to the Internet store service.
5.1. The Internet store undertakes:
5.2. Comply with the requirements of the accepted business turnover, the terms of this Agreement and the elements of the offer, the Agreements or Annexes attached to it, as well as the approved Rules for the operation of the Internet store, if any.
5.3. Not to facilitate unauthorized access to user equipment by other persons, including access to information arrays of Buyers.
5.4. Under the following and certain circumstances, the Internet store is entitled to refuse service to the Buyer.
5.5. The list of reasons for denial of service can be, but is not limited to, cases: detection of deliberate deception of the Internet store service; distribution of information to third parties about the purchase, including the announcement of the account number, the time of purchase, etc.; any manifestations of threats towards the Internet store service; causing harm to the service, even insignificant, as well as attempts to cause harm; dissemination of false information about the Internet store service; use of various flood options: regular flood, nickname flood, smile flood, wipe, etc. through any contacts of the service, including administration, information support, and so on; appeal of one individual or legal entity from several numbers of different contacts; dissemination, including discrediting, information about any cooperation with the Internet store service.
5.6. In the event of a denial of service: the store service ceases to carry out any consultations on any issues; information support in a categorical form is not carried out; measures are being taken to ban new purchases.
5.7. The buyer has the right:
5.7.1. Receive the necessary information about any changes in the Services of the Internet store within the framework of this Agreement and the elements of the public offer;
5.7.2. Refuse at any time unilaterally from the execution of this Agreement, subject to payment of the expenses actually incurred by the other Party for the provision of relevant services.
5.8. The rights and obligations of the Buyer under this Agreement cannot be transferred to other persons without the prior written consent of the other Party.
5.9. The buyer has the right:
5.9.1. Assign the right to claim for its obligations to third parties by notifying the Internet store service through the user interface of the site or by other possible means of cumulative communication;
5.9.2. Transfer the obligation to pay for the services provided by the Internet store to a third party.
5.10. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to follow not only the Internet Store Agreement, but also the Manufacturers Agreements for each category of the purchased goods. Moreover, the Buyer makes acquaintance with the specified Agreements independently.
5.11. The buyer is obliged to fulfill the agreed terms of the Agreement after receiving the purchased goods. The process of communication with information support, including the Internet store, is carried out solely on the basis of the information provided for contacts on the pages of the site.
5.8. The Parties are not responsible for non-delivery of messages through any means of communication, including e-mail due to technical problems on the Internet, communication disruption, hosting problems, anti-spam filters and other reasons.
6.1. The Parties are released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if such failure was due to force majeure circumstances, namely: natural disasters, war, blockade, acts of authorities affecting the fulfillment by the Parties of obligations under this Agreement, other force majeure circumstances. At the same time, the deadline for fulfilling obligations under this Agreement is postponed in proportion to the time during which such circumstances will operate.
6.2. Force majeure circumstances include events that the Parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible.
6.3. During the period of force majeure and other circumstances exempting from liability, the obligations of the Parties are suspended. Sanctions for non-fulfillment of obligations within the established time limits are not applied.
6.4. The Party for which the impossibility of fulfilling obligations under this Agreement has arisen is obliged to immediately inform the other Party in writing of the occurrence of the above circumstances. Untimely, more than 10 days, notification of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances deprives the Party in respect of which such circumstances apply of the right to refer to them in the future as the reason for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.
7.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise under this Agreement or in connection with it shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations. All arising disagreements can be resolved within the framework of the rules of the service.
8.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of registration, purchase and / or familiarization with the content of the Agreement. The conclusion of the offer means that the Buyer has fully familiarized himself with the terms of the provision of services, the functioning of the Internet store system, recognizes its unconditional suitability for achieving the result of the provision of services described on the Internet store website in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. With the full and unconditional acceptance of this Offer. Acceptance of the Offer creates a real contractual relationship within the framework of the said Agreement.
8.2. This Agreement is terminated at the moment of sending to the Internet store a document signed by the Buyer, replacing all agreements previously reached by the Parties.
9.1. This Agreement is drawn up in English and is mandatory for familiarization by all participants in this Agreement.
9.2. If, for one reason or another, one or more of the provisions of these terms of the Agreement are declared invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions.
This User Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", is concluded between the Konstantin's Software Internet store, which has an Internet address, hereinafter referred to as the "Online Store", and the User of the services of the Online Store, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer ”, and determines the conditions for the purchase of goods by the latter in the store.